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Artificial Intelligence
Yearbook of Experts® member profiles
Randall Craig, Business Growth, Thought Leadership, Marketing Strategy, Digital
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About: Randall is a serial entrepreneur, coaches CEOs on scaling their business, and leads the Braintrust Professional Institute. He shares his unique perspective through his eight books (one a best seller), 600+ articles, podcasts, keynote speeches, virtual presentations, and advisory relationships. He has helped over 100 organizations – from start-ups to multinationals – scale their businesses, build capacity, and address their most pressing challenges. Randall has taught at numerous executive education programs, serves on both corporate and not-for-profit boards, and frequently appears as an expert in the media. He has earned an FCMC, CFA, MBA, CSP, iGP, and a Black Belt in Karate. Randall has also been inducted into the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame.
Dr. Howard Rankin -- Intuality AI -- Predictive Artificial Intelligence
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About: Dr. Howard Rankin is an expert in psychology, neuroscience and cognition. He is Science Director at IntualtiyAI, a leading predictive analytics company that combines human and artificial intelligence and has a great track record of prediction in financial markets, sports, healthcare and several other applications. Dr. Rankin is also a best selling author who has written, co-written and ghostwritten more than fifty self-help books, as well as 35 academic papers. He is an expert in addiction and behavior change and is also the creator of the How Not to Think podcast and The Miracle Within You radio show as well as a Psychology Today blogger. Dr. Rankin has been featured in many newspapers like the Wall St. Journal and appeared on major TV networks and on shows like 'The View' and ABC's '20/20'.
Michael Kelley, Technology & Artificial Intelligence (AI) Expert, Futurist
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About: Michael Kelley, author of The Lost Theory and The Devil's Calling, fell in love with literature and creative writing while at the University of Pennsylvania. He put this passion to the side during a lengthy career on Wall Street, where he worked as a lawyer, built an international business, and founded his own investment management firm. After leaving the financial world, he engaged in studies of quantum physics, Eastern mysticism, and philosophy. From these studies, he developed a 'Theory of Everything' which became the basis of his novels. After years of life in New York City, Michael now lives in the peaceful woods of Dutchess County with his wife and daughter. There, he enjoys meditation, yoga, wine, reading, and hiking, all of which inspire his writing.
David Martorano, M.D. AI & Human Behavior Expert -- Author of 'Immortality--Epocalypse'
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About: David M. Martorano, M.D., is a futurist, inventor, psychiatrist, professor, and artist who divides his time between his home in Wyoming and sailing the Caribbean with his friends and family. Dr. Martorano is a board certified informatician and psychiatrist with extensive experience in management and clinical care. He completed his medical training at Columbia University and his residency in psy...
Ford Saeks - Business Growth Accelerator
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About: As one of the worlds' 'Top Business Growth Experts', Ford Saeks specializes in helping organizations find, attract and keep their customers through innovative Internet Marketing & Social Media Marketing strategies. He is the 'go-to' guy when you want to increase targeted lead generation that converts into sales and profits. He has helped thousands of people monetize their websites and social media networking efforts implementing strategies that produce measurable results. Audiences love Ford's interactive approach, fun style and action-oriented focus that allows participants to leave with ideas and action steps that they can implement to produce immediate results.
Terry Brock -- Achievement Systems
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About: Terry Brock is a leading expert in technology as it applies to marketing and growing a business? revenues. Different technologies work best in different industries, and Terry's wide range of experience, from multi-national corporations to one-person start-ups, and sensitivity to industry-specific needs, gives him the unique ability to precisely, concisely diagnose and deliver exactly what you or your company need most.

Recent News Releases
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
Dr. Howard Rankin -- Intuality AI -- Predictive Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Howard Rankin -- Intuality AI -- Predictive Artificial Intelligence
David Martorano, M.D. AI & Human Behavior Expert -- Author of 'Immortality--Epocalypse'
Dr. Howard Rankin -- Intuality AI -- Predictive Artificial Intelligence
Michael Kelley, Technology & Artificial Intelligence (AI) Expert, Futurist
Michael Kelley, Technology & Artificial Intelligence (AI) Expert, Futurist
Michael Kelley, Technology & Artificial Intelligence (AI) Expert, Futurist
Michael Kelley, Technology & Artificial Intelligence (AI) Expert, Futurist
Michael Kelley, Technology & Artificial Intelligence (AI) Expert, Futurist
Randall Craig, Business Growth, Thought Leadership, Marketing Strategy, Digital

Blog Posts
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
Unlock Recurring Revenue: Membership Programs for Content Entrepreneurs Terry Brock -- Achievement Systems
Salesperson or Educator? Randall Craig, Business Growth, Thought Leadership, Marketing Strategy, Digital
Unlock the Secret AI Tool That’ll Transform Your Writing – Don’t Miss Out Terry Brock -- Achievement Systems
Eight Drivers of Market Disruption Randall Craig, Business Growth, Thought Leadership, Marketing Strategy, Digital
Beat AI: Use These 10 Human Skills – You’ll Love it! Terry Brock -- Achievement Systems
24 Client Onboarding Ideas Randall Craig, Business Growth, Thought Leadership, Marketing Strategy, Digital
AI + Mind Maps = Game-Changer for Thought Leaders! Terry Brock -- Achievement Systems
15 Key Digital Transformation Mistakes Randall Craig, Business Growth, Thought Leadership, Marketing Strategy, Digital
How to Turn Content into Cash with Google’s 7-11-4 Rule Terry Brock -- Achievement Systems
Is the SaaS Grass Greener on the Other Side of the Fence? Randall Craig, Business Growth, Thought Leadership, Marketing Strategy, Digital

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